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What is AI for Kids? An Introduction to Artificial...

ازاي تعلم ابنك ذكاء اصطناعي في 3 خطوات بكل بساطة

NASA Kids’ Club

Cody Volunteer Program

شروط المتطوعين في كتابة مقالات CODEY لو أنت طالب أو خريج وعندك موهبة في كتابة المقالات العلمية او...

Decode the child

Sure, what caused the parents to wake up in the morning and the uncle plans and says to himself:...

Decode the child 2

The previous article (decoding the child code 1) We reviewed the art of communication with the ch...

Electronic Gamed

Every mother and father of their son, a mobile mazak all day long and play focused on Jadaa in wo...

Our children and smart device addiction

A study suggests that more than a third of children use smart devices before walking and talking